Monday, February 3, 2025


When you're an actress,

you are supposed to have a headshot.  The headshot is your brand, a bit like a trademark.

In 2020, when I was filming a self-taped audition, I got a still from my slate that I really liked.  This is a version with the background removed

I really like this photo.  It is warm and welcoming.  I think I've been booking more gigs since I've been using it.

There is a problem, tho.  It's five years old and I don't have those glasses any more.  I think I need a new one.  It's actually not so easy to get that exact expression.

Here are some selfies I've been working with -- trying to make a new shot that I like as well

So far, I'm not sure I like any of them as well as the first.  Of course, I'm five years older, so I'm not going to look quite as good -- but, also the expression is not quite the same.

More to be revealed.

Also  all of these are with my computer glasses. None of them are with the progressives that I use most of the time.  

Here's a picture with the progressives, just for clarification.  Obviously, the expression on this is even less right.

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