Monday, February 10, 2025

links mostly on my social media to gift articles -- mostly fact checking false MAGA claims

torrent of lies

former advisors

mental health professionals

trump scandals

fact checking Jan 7 2025

fact checking Jan 20, 2025

Fact, check: Canada is not a significant source of fentanyl


Also one about vaccines

Also one about immigrants

NYTimes fact check about number of undocumented migrants


Also one about Congo  250129

Another one about Congo

Op Ed about Alzheimer’s

Wapo gift article about water release

Trump used personal cell phone


January 2025 inflation

Monday, February 3, 2025


When you're an actress, you are supposed to have a headshot.  The headshot is your brand, a bit like a trademark.

In 2020, when I was filming a self-taped audition, I got a still from my slate that I really liked.  This is a version with the background removed

I really like this photo.  It is warm and welcoming.  I think I've been booking more gigs since I've been using it.

There is a problem, tho.  It's five years old and I don't have those glasses any more.  I think I need a new one.  It's actually not so easy to get that exact expression.

Here are some selfies I've been working with -- trying to make a new shot that I like as well

So far, I'm not sure I like any of them as well as the first.  Of course, I'm five years older, so I'm not going to look quite as good -- but, also the expression is not quite the same.

More to be revealed.

Also  all of these are with my computer glasses. None of them are with the progressives that I use most of the time.  

Here's a picture with the progressives, just for clarification.  Obviously, the expression on this is even less right.

telling one of my father's stories


Sunday, February 2, 2025

Errors made by Kamala Harris during the Campaign

 Kamala Harris made two critical errors. 

1.   When asked what she would have done differently from Biden, she shouldn’t have said “nothing.” 

He was unpopular.  She needed to distinguish herself.

She could have said something like “I believe in loyalty. I believe you shouldn’t throw your boss under the bus. I know Joe has tried very hard to increase the amount of food getting into Gaza and to reduce civilian casualties. I don’t know for sure that I can do better, but I certainly would like to try. 

Israel has been a long time ally of the United States, and a good ally. I’m not sure Netanyahu is a good ally, though. Because of the corruption charges pending against him, he has a motivation to keep his country in a state of perpetual crisis. The perceived crises strengthen his support amongst voters, but this motivation is resulting in escalating violence in the region.” 

2. When asked about inflation, she should have said “the inflation that Joe encountered early in his term, was a direct result of Trump‘s policies of not enforcing the antitrust laws, particularly in the wholesale food distribution market. Joe has brought that Trump-induced inflation under control.“  

3. Instead of saying those things, she made a very tone deaf statement, about two days before the election, about how she wanted a strong defense — while Trump was telling a war weary population that he was the “peace candidate,” and did not adequately counter the inflation message. 

Of course Trump was lying about being a peace candidate. In the short time following the election, he began making aggressive statements, threatening the sovereignty of peaceful countries who have been long time friends. But from the perspective of those listening before the election, particularly those who didn’t like all the money being spent on foreign wars, he sounded better than Harris. 

 Item number one above cost Harris the votes of black men and Muslims. Item number two above cost Harris a lot of white working class votes. 

If the campaign had been longer, she might’ve corrected these problems. Unfortunately, she did not have time to fully formulate her platform and talking points in response to input from the populace. Of course, there is the issue of Trump being a professional performer with tremendous charisma who tapped into anger well, but Harris made critical mistakes in how she responded to the press.